Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 5 Work_Introduction to Criminal Justice

Week 5 Work_Introduction  to Criminal Justice

Q Is police work a profession? Explain. What are the advantages of viewing policing as a profession? How can police professionalism be enhanced?

Q What are the different types of police corruption? What themes run through the finding of the Knapp Commission and the Wickersham Commission? What innovative steps might police departments take to reduce or eliminate corruption among their officers? What is the police working personality? What are its central features? How does it develop? How does it relate to police subculture?

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According to me police work is both profession as well as responsibility. I am saying this because the police work was is directed towards public service. The job role here is taking care of the society, nation and whole community. Their safety and security is the responsibility of the police department. When the work of the police is considered as a profession then one advantage is that a certain amount of remuneration is attached to it and police can be held responsible if they fail to perform to the duties assigned to them.